Certified arborist on the branch of a tree

Look Out for Phony Arborists

It seems all home-related services—including Portland tree services—can be subject to scam. For most people, their home is their largest investment, so home contracting jobs present a sizable target for criminals. Judging from our customers’ reports, there has been a recent uptick in Portland area tree trimming con jobs. According to a The Oregon Construction […]

Urban Forest Pro arborists planting a tree

Transplanting Your Trees in the Fall

There are many reasons to move a tree. Perhaps you need to transplant because a tree is causing property devaluation in its current location. It might be interrupting the sewer line, scratching your home’s siding, or continually blocking drains with leaves. Or you might want to move a plant simply because the tree will work […]

Wood Chips

Urban Forest Pro Project Spotlight: Where Do the Wood Chips Go?

It’s fall, and seasonal delights abound. Here at Urban Forest Pro, we’re making autumn stellar with wood chip donations. If you’ve ever wondered what happens to all the wood chips from our pruning and Portland tree removal services, now you know. We donate them to farms and events. For instance, Urban Forest Pro was able […]

Damaged tree on house

So You Suffered Tree Damage, Now What?

Recent storms have left many Portland trees in a sad state. High winds and ice storms often break branches, opening the tree to disease. Moreover, maelstroms may knock down entire trees—as one unfortunate cyclist recently learned in downtown Portland, when a tree fell on her. In this post, we take a look at what to […]

Tree Hazard illustration

How to Recognize Tree Hazards

When most of us think about environmental hazards, our minds are drawn to the weather (floods, storms, etc). But often, that weather is part of what causes a less-thought-of danger: falling trees. Trees do way much more good than bad, but if not looked after, they can also cause serious damage when branches or whole […]


The First 5 Things To Do When A Tree Falls On Your House

It’s something you hope never happens, but in a city and area renowned for its trees, sooner or later a tree may fall on your house. What you do next in the pursuit of emergency tree service is crucial. In order of importance, here are the 5 things to do if a tree ever falls […]

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