certified arborist with tree removal services in Gresham

What is a Certified Arborist and is it Different from a Landscaper?

A certified arborist is a professional tree expert in arboriculture (the care of trees), or an arborist who has obtained their Certified Arborist designation from the International Society of Arboriculture, or ISA. To gain this certification, there are the following experience requirements: 3 years of full time experience working in the arboriculture industry OR 2 […]

Certified Arborists at work

How to Hire a Certified Arborist

Healthy trees receive regular attention from knowledgeable arborists. But how can you tell when you hire a certified arborist if they’re truly an expert? Pick an inexperienced arborist, and your trees could suffer. Fortunately, there are ways to distinguish the true tree gurus from mere amateurs. In the following paragraphs we discuss how homeowners can […]

Freshly planted tree outside of home

Urban Forest Pro FAQ’s: What are my Options for Replanting my Tree?

Spring is here, and many people are thinking about tree planting, whether to add more shade or to replace trees that have been removed. As Portland certified arborists, we consistently field homeowners’ questions about replanting options. After arranging our Portland tree removal services for a tree lost to winter storm damage or disease, our customers […]

tree laying on house and car after storm

What to do When a Tree Falls on Your House or Property

Storms are a fact of life in the Portland and Vancouver areas. Snowstorms, rain storms, wind storms – they make the news, can disrupt our lives, and occasionally knock down trees. And when they do, the safest thing to do is call a tree service company experienced in emergency tree removal. If you haven’t dealt […]

Professional Tree Pruning

Why DIY Tree Pruning isn’t Worth the Risk

Tree pruning, when done correctly, should result in safe, healthy and beautiful trees. A certified arborist is trained to understand when a tree needs to be pruned and why, but also skilled in proper tree pruning techniques. If you’re unsure what you are doing when it comes to DIY tree trimming, it’s always best to […]

Urban Forest Pro Certified Arborist at work

What’s the Difference Between Landscapers and Arborists?

Rose City residents may not know the difference between landscapers and arborists. They might just think of it as working with “Thorns” versus “Timbers.” However, the comparison is more complex than that and goes far beyond Providence Park! Horticulture and arboriculture share some common ground – the care of natural surroundings. Landscapers and arborists can […]

Constrcution near urban trees

Negative Impacts of Construction on Living Tree Health

Driving around the Rose City, it’s easy to surmise that construction is up. According to Barry and Associates, 9,300 apartments have been built in the Portland area since 2013. And more than 20,000 more units have been proposed or are currently under construction. Any thriving urban landscape is perpetually changing, and Portland’s new edifices bode […]

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