Rosa Parks Elementary School during Arbor Month

1st Annual Urban Forest Pro Adpot-a-Tree Arbor Month Event

Urban Forest Pro’s arborist’s are excited for the opportunity to prune trees surrounding our local schools. We would like to reach out and provide a learning experience for the students by showing different tree care methods.  We will also be providing a tree ID scavenger hunt with the Portland Timber’s Timber Joey. Above is a tree […]

dutch elm tree

Dutch Elm Disease

Detection and Prevention Dutch Elm disease (DED) is an unfortunate fungus that is spread by our native elm bark beetle and European elm bark beetle. This disease has devastated magnificent elms with their beautiful, spreading canopies throughout the US. Anyone that loves and appreciates their community and the urban forests we live in; should take […]

portland tree services

Flooding & Trees: Are Your Trees Damaged?- Advise from a Portland Tree Services Company

This winter has brought flooding to many parts of the Pacific Northwest. We are on the cusp of setting a new record for the wettest December in Oregon. When flooding happens, it affects plants in different ways. In this post as a Portland tree services company are going to take a look at the effects […]


The First 5 Things To Do When A Tree Falls On Your House

It’s something you hope never happens, but in a city and area renowned for its trees, sooner or later a tree may fall on your house. What you do next in the pursuit of emergency tree service is crucial. In order of importance, here are the 5 things to do if a tree ever falls […]

Average Cost of Tree Removal in Portland

Average Cost of Tree Removal in Portland

For many homeowners considering a tree removal, the first question is ‘how much’?  Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered over the phone. No tree or property is alike, and a situation must be examined to determine the safest and most cost-effective method of removal. If you are considering a tree removal, it will help to […]

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